HIGH RED BELT FORM – PAL GAE 8This form is a showing of good techniques from one move to the next. 1) Pivot left toward L1, front stance, left hand low block. 2) Perform a circle block with the left arm, move into a narrow back stance facing L1. Someone has grabbed your wrist, you are pulling your arm toward F while twisting your body in the same direction. The left arm crosses your waist, goes up past your chest, rises above your head, and then comes down to shoulder level with the arm pointing in the direction of Ll . The fist has the palm facing F. You have just pulled away from someone and then come down on him with a closed fist. 3) Step forward toward L1, front stance, right hand middle punch. 4) Pivot right toward Rl, front stance, right hand low block. 5) Circle block with the right arm, narrow back stance. 6) Step forward toward Rl, front stance, left hand middle punch. 7) Pivot left toward F, back stance, left double knife hand block. 8) Push block with left hand, step forward into a long front stance, right hand stab. 9) Right hand will rotate counterclockwise 180° while starting to lean forward, pivot left toward F, front stance, left back fist (shoulder level). Someone has grabbed your wrist. You are twisting your wrist to so you can swing around and whack him in the head with a back fist. 10) Step forward, front stance, right hand middle punch, KIHAP. 11) Pivot left toward R2, back stance, left knife hand side strike. 12) Left arm pulls away while pivoting right into a narrow horse stance facing D2, then pivot left into a horse stance facing X, left elbow strike. Someone has grabbed your wrist. You are pulling away with your arm, sweeping it in front of your face (not downward – the wrist has to turn), and then you are coming back at him with your elbow. When you are facing D2, your left hand should be facing your ear. To perform the elbow strike the arm will come down and to the left with the palm facing upward. It is in the same place as the cover hand (as opposed to the blocking hand) for a double knife hand block. 13) Pivot left toward R2, front stance, left middle block. 14) Feet do not move, right hand middle punch. 15) Moving the left leg, pivot right toward X into a horse stance. The left fist goes out to meet the right fist and then pulls back with the right fist into a set position (left is at waist, right is on top of it). 16) Left foot moves right to meet right foot, step right toward L2, back stance, right knife hand side strike. 17) Right arm pulls away while pivoting left into a narrow horse stance facing Dl, then pivot right into a horse stance facing X, right elbow strike. 18) Pivot right toward L2, front stance, right middle block. 19) Feet do not move, left hand middle punch. 20) Moving the right leg, pivot left toward X into a horse stance, right fist meets left fist and then both to set position. 21) Pivot right toward L2, right foot moves back to meet left. 22) Left leg cocks up, simultaneously do a high side kick with left leg toward X and a high punch with left hand. As kick falls, open fist up (palm to right). When left leg hits the floor in a front stance, pull “head” in with left hand, smack it with the right elbow. The right fist is tucked in the left arm. 23) Pivot right toward L2, left leg moves to a horse stance, fists go out and then into a set position. 24) Left foot moves right to meet right foot, right leg cocks up, simultaneously do a high side kick with the right leg toward F and a high punch with the right hand. As kick falls, open fist, pull head in, smack it. Kick lands into a front stance facing F. 25) Pivot left toward X, front stance, wrists are crossed and then break away “choking hands” as in Pal Gae 6. 26) Right foot stays still, left foot moves back slightly, both fists come back to waist, left foot moves back to regular front stance as you perform a double fist rib punch. You have stepped back to gain some momentum, and then your fists go straight for a person’s ribs with your fists one fist apart (palms upward). 27) Step forward into a front stance, wrists come up into an “x” again and then block “choking hands.” 28) Left foot stays still, right foot moves back slightly, both fists come back to waist, right foot moves back to regular front stance as you perform a double fist rib punch. 29) Step forward toward X, back stance, left knife hand block. Someone has taken a punch at you and you are pushing it to the side with a knife hand (palm facing you). 30) “Grab” the wrist you just blocked, pivot right toward Rl, horse stance, right elbow strike behind you. As you are pivoting, your right hand is going up to gain speed and then comes down quickly to strike the person’s ribs, back, or whatever you hit (he’ll feel it). The right hand is open and facing upward at the end as well as being at the waist. The left hand that “grabbed” the opponent’s hand is at the waist too. 31 ) Right leg stays still, pivot left toward F, feet are together, hands are in a cover position over groin (left over right) with the thinnest amount of space in between them (not touching). 32) Left leg moves left into a horse stance, both arms come up to a horizontal position between the nipples and shoulders with the fingers pointing toward each other and the palms facing downward. Someone has gotten you into a bear hug and you are lowering your body while raising your arms to get ready to strike. 33) Stay in a horse stance. From the waist up, twist right simultaneously doing a right elbow strike to the rear (palm open and upward) and a high left hand punch across your face and up to his. Then twist to the left and simultaneously do a left elbow strike to the rear (palm open and upward) and a high right hand punch across your face and up to his, KIHAP. |