ORANGE BELT FORM – PAL GAE 2This form is the first time at doing two actions in one move, such as the kick-punch.
From Choon-bi at X:
1) Pivot left toward L1, front stance, left hand high block.
2) High front kick with the right leg, front stance, right hand middle punch.
3) Pivot right toward R1, front stance, right hand high block.
4) High front kick with the left leg, front stance, left hand middle punch.
5) Pivot left toward F, back stance, left high-low double knife band block.
6) Step forward, back stance, right double knife hand block.
7) Step forward, front stance, left hand high block.
8) Step forward, front stance, right hand middle punch, KIHAP.
9) Pivot left toward R2, front stance, left hand high block.
10) High front kick with the right leg, front stance, right hand middle punch.
11) Pivot right toward L2, front stance, right hand high block.
12) High firont kick with the left leg, front stance, left hand middle punch.
13) Pivot left toward X, back stance, Hi/Low double fist block (right hand over knot – palm up, left hand in a low block).
14) Step forward, front stance, right hand outside/inside middle block.
15) Step forward, front stance, left hand hammer block.
16) Step forward, front stance, right hand middle punch, KIHAP.
17) Pivot left toward L1, front stance, left hand high block.
18) High front kick with the right leg, front stance, right hand middle punch.
19) Pivot right toward Rl, front stance, right hand high block.
20) High from kick with the left leg, front stance, left hand middle punch.
Basics for this form are:
front kick, double punch
High Sidekick
High Roundhouse |