Our Taekwondo classes are broken down by skill level. We find it very beneficial for all age groups of the same rank to practice together.
Currently we have 3 distinct classes that allow students of similar skills to practice together. Every class is 2 hours long.
Low Belt Class
Saturday morning 9am to 10:30am
This class is for White, Yellow and Orange belts. It is structured and very organized for beginners to learn the basics of TKD.
Students are welcome to start any time they want. Just show up to any Thursday night class and you can join right in.
High Belt/Red-Black Class
Saturday morning 10:30am to 12:00pm
This class is for Green and Blue belts
Beyond the basics, this class steps it up a notch in intensity and expectancy. Students learn advanced kicks, speed drills and start learning effective sparring, board breaking and making power.
Red/Black Belt Class
Combined with High belt class above.
This intense class is for Red belts preparing to take their black belt test or black belts that want to maintain their skill level. It’s a rigorous class of forms, kicking, conditioning, and sparring. The schedule can float between Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon depending on what’s available, but it’s usually Saturday morning.