WHITE BELT FORMThis form introduces being aware of all four directions, as well as being able to pivot and block.
From Choon-bi at X:
1) Pivot toward L, front stance, left hand low block.
2) Step forward, front stance, right hand middle punch.
3) Pivot to the right toward R, front stance, right hand low block.
4) Step forward, from stance, left hand middle punch.
5) Pivot toward F, front stance, left hand low block.
6) Step forward, front stance, right hand middle punch.
7) Pivot to the right toward B, front stance, right hand low block.
8) Step forward, front stance, left hand middle punch.
9) Pivot toward R, back stance, left middle side block.
10) Step forward toward R, front stance, right hand middle punch.
11) Pivot to the right toward L, back stance, right middle side block.
12) Step forward toward L, front stance, left hand middle punch.
13) Pivot toward B, back stance, left middle side block.
14) Step forward toward B, front stance, right hand middle punch.
15) Pivot to the right toward F, back stance, right middle side block.
16) Step forward toward F, front stance, left hand middle punch.
17) Step forward, front stance, right hand middle punch.
18) Step backward, front stance, left hand high punch.
19) Step backward, front stance, right hand high punch, KIHAP.
Basics for this form include:
Horseback Stance, Middle Punch and Double Punch
Low block
Middle Punch
High Punch
Knife-hand Punch
High Block |