This form introduces the standard “I” format of forms.
From Choon-bi at X;
1 ) Pivot left toward L l, front stance, left hand low block.
2) Step forward, front stance, right hand hammer block.
3) Pivot right toward Rl, front stance, right hand low block.
4) Step forward, front stance, left hand hammer block.
5) Pivot left toward F, front stance, left hand low block.
6) Step forward, back stance, right hand side block.
7) Step forward, back stance, left hand side block.
8) Step forward, front stance, right hand middle punch, KIHAP.
9) Pivot left toward R2, back stance, left double knife hand block.
10) Step forward, back stance, right hand side block.
11) Pivot right toward L2, back stance, right double knife hand block.
12) Step forward, back stance, left hand side block.
13) Pivot left toward X, front stance, left hand low block.
14) Step forward, front stance, right knife hand strike.
15) Step forward, front stance, left knife hand strike.
16) Step forward, front stance, right hand middle punch, KIHAP.
17) Pivot left toward Ll, front stance, left hand low block.
18) Step forward, front stance, right hand hammer block.
19) Pivot right toward Rl, front stance, right hand low block.
20) Step forward, front stance, left hand hammer block.
Basics for this form include:
Horseback stance middle punch and double punch
Kick ups
Marching Sidekick
double knife-hand block
Knife-hand strike